FR5 Software

FirstRate5® house energy rating software

FirstRate5® is an easy-to-use interactive tool with a graphic user interface that enables designers and thermal performance assessors to generate energy ratings for a home by tracing over floor plans. The software integrates the AccuRate calculation engine to estimate the annual heating and cooling energy and can be used to rate an existing design or as an interactive tool to optimise the design beyond compliance.

Frequently Asked Questions

2025 Certificate Credit Price Increase

How has the new certificate credit price of $41.48 been calculated?
Why will annual ongoing price adjustments be applied on 1 September each year?
Why haven't certificate credit prices increased since 2017, and why is SV increasing them now?

About FirstRate5

Who owns FirstRate5?
How much does FirstRate5 software cost?
How do I register to download and use the latest version of FirstRate5?
How much does it cost to produce a certificate?
What support does SV provide for FirstRate5?
What is the best way to send a query?
I would like help with a modelling query, who can help with this?
What system requirements are necessary for FirstRate5?
What do I do if FirstRate5 does not open?

Access to legacy versions of FirstRate5

Why do legacy versions not calculate automatically on the FR5 website?


Where is the software manual located on my computer?

Certificates & Invoices

Will I need to use two FR5 Credits to complete an alteration rating (i.e. before and after ratings)?
Can I replace a certificate if the address specified in the original issued certificate has changed?
What are the features of the certificate generation system?
How does the certificate generation system work?
How do I re-issue an invoice?
Why does my preview certificate say "non-accredited"?
Why does the NCFA sometimes not equal the sum of the individual zone areas?
How do I produce a NatHERS Group Certificate for a multi-unit development?
Will there be a reduced fee based on the number of credits purchased?
Can I pay for the certificates that my employees/sub-contractors produce?
How do I know my credit card details will be secure?
Can I transfer FR5 Credits from one account to another?

Guidance Notes and Checklists

Design For Place

Design For Place plans

Instructional videos

Wall builder example 1
Wall builder example 2
FirstRate5 Overview
FirstRate5 Certificate
FirstRate5 Delegations process
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