TAKE2 is a comprehensive state-wide program, led by Sustainability Victoria, which enables all Victorians - businesses, local councils, community and educational organisations and individuals - to be part of Victoria’s action on climate change. Government agencies will also be required to make pledges for their own operations and sectoral responsibilities.
The pledges from this program are public commitments that government, business and the community make to reduce emissions in Victoria. They will recognise, encourage and inspire voluntary actions to reduce emissions and contribute to a more sustainable future. The pledges will build momentum in attitude and action towards a low carbon future and inform an interim emissions reduction target for 2020. Importantly, the program is intended to recognise what organisations have done and are doing, as well as any future commitments.
We would like to invite FirstRate5 users amd associated businesses to register at www.take2.vic.gov.au and join over 350 organisations and more than 3000 individuals who are currently participating in our TAKE2 initiative.