FR5 Software

FirstRate5® house energy rating software

FirstRate5® is an easy-to-use interactive tool with a graphic user interface that enables designers and thermal performance assessors to generate energy ratings for a home by tracing over floor plans. The software integrates the AccuRate calculation engine to estimate the annual heating and cooling energy and can be used to rate an existing design or as an interactive tool to optimise the design beyond compliance.

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Release of 2019 User Support Survey Report

by FR5 | Jun 19, 2020

In February 2020, Sustainability Victoria (SV) issued an online survey to gather feedback on the FirstRate5 (FR5) technical support service, software development, and certificate generation website. More than 100 FirstRate5 users completed the survey. 

The FirstRate5 technical support service is designed to provide users with a high level of support and a positive experience with the software tool and website. The survey responses have helped the FR5 support team to identify ways to improve the technical support service offered to FR5 users. 

The main findings from this year’s survey can be summarised by the following:

    • Approximately 15% increase in Accredited Assessors
    • More assessors encouraging customers to increase star ratings beyond 6 stars
    • Overall improvement with the FR5 Helpdesk Service since 2018 survey
    • Positive feedback regarding the latest new features added in FR5 v5.2.11 & v5.3.0

From this survey, Sustainability Victoria has also identified the top improvements customers have requested.
We are currently aiming to implement these improvements in the future:

    • Heating/Cooling load limits automatically calculated and displayed
    • Global Zoning Tab that allows the ability to open/edit multiple projects
    • Improved diagnostic reporting with heat map layering displayed on the plan tab
    • Improved eave input/editing

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