FR5 Software

FirstRate5® house energy rating software

FirstRate5® is an easy-to-use interactive tool with a graphic user interface that enables designers and thermal performance assessors to generate energy ratings for a home by tracing over floor plans. The software integrates the AccuRate calculation engine to estimate the annual heating and cooling energy and can be used to rate an existing design or as an interactive tool to optimise the design beyond compliance.

Latest news

Extension to NCC 2022 Transition Period in Victoria

by Sustainability Victoria Energy Software Team | Jun 16, 2023

Sustainability Victoria would like to inform FirstRate5 users that the Victorian Government has announced an extended transition period for the introduction of the NCC 2022 energy efficiency requirements. Requirements commenced on 1 May 2023 and will now become mandatory on 1 May 2024. 

More information can be found on the Victorian Building Authority’s website.

The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) also has a useful resource on its website outlining the different NCC 2022 adoption dates by state and territory. 

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